To make a referral or get more info about CHOICE services please contact Erin Pelletier at 763-417-9030 or
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Policy Update:
CHOICE, Inc. will be implementing changes to policies and procedures affecting consumers’ service-related or protection-related rights under section 245D and those affecting maltreatment reporting policies and procedures. CHOICE, Inc. will provide all consumers, consumer’s legal representatives, and case managers a copy of the revised policies and procedures and an explanation of the revisions. Please contact CHOICE, Inc. at 952-474-9510 for a copy of these revisions.
Available policies include:
Policy on Reporting Maltreatment & Abuse
Grievance Policy & Procedure
Policy on Participant Rights
Risk Management Plan
Seizure Plan of Care
Participant Funds
Release of Information
Health Related Authorizations
Service Record
US DOL Factsheet #39B
The abo listed policveies and procedures are provided upon service initiation. Copies of all policies and procedures under 245D.04 are available upon request to consumers or the consumer’s legal representatives, case managers, the county where services are located and the Commissioner.