CHOICE, Inc. was founded in 1969, thanks to a group of parents who were searching for services for their eight school-age children with developmental disabilities. They had arranged for a program that was being held in a church basement in Excelsior, Minnesota. The program included academics, and provided recreation and leisure programs. Each child also received speech, occupational and physical therapy.
By 1972, the program had grown to provide “Day Activity Services” to 35 adults with developmental disabilities. Not long after the adults joined the program, the Minnesota education laws changed and the children returned to their home school districts to receive their education.
The focus of the CHOICE, Inc. program thus changed to providing these adults with the opportunity to work, either in-house or in the community. The focus remains providing work and pursuing personal goals for each individual.
From the humble beginnings in the church basement in Excelsior with eight children, CHOICE, Inc. has grown to serve more than 180 individuals in three program locations with more than 85 business partners.