The 2014 Appeal Supports Community Partnerships
In our mission to create partnerships and develop programs that enrich the lives of the people we serve our ultimate goal is simply to support the desires of our participants. Our participants have had extremely positive experiences with our current partnerships with organizations like MacPhail Center for Music and the Cowles Center for Dance and Performing Arts. So today we continually strive to identify partnerships and provide programs that will focus on building friendships, increasing independence, enhancing self-expression and encouraging self-advocacy skills.
As we look to the future it is important to our participants that we create and maintain these kinds of partnerships and one important way that this can be done is through the kind and generous gifts of our families and friends. Contributions given for this appeal will go directly toward supporting our community partnerships. It has been with the generosity of our families and friends that these unique partnerships in the community have come to be and we would be proud to see our participants continue to have these types of opportunities well into the future. We are thrilled to have established partnerships that include not only Cowles and MacPhail but also Northern Clay Center, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Three Rivers Park District, North Mississippi Parks, Lowry Nature Center, Gillespie Center and Minnetonka Center for the Arts. With your help we hope that we may soon add partnerships with Upstream Arts and Bloomington Theatre and Art Center.
Donations can be made by mailing us a check to 7654 Executive Drive in Eden Prairie, or on our online giving page.